

At Alpha Flowback we are committed to preventing accidental injury, environmental release or loss of any resources, including personnel and physical assets. In fulfilling this commitment to protect people, environment and property, Alpha Flowback Corp will provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace. We will direct work in accordance with industry standards and adhere to all applicable legislative requirements. Management, employees and contractors will be competent to perform the required tasks, and will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in property damage, the environmental incidents, accidents, or personal injury/illness. Through education, on the job training, inspections of worksites, as well as exceeding basic safety standards on a daily basis, Alpha Flowback Corp always strive for a “Zero Loss” environment on all worksites. It is our goal to minimize all risks inherent in our industry by maintaining and improving our Health and Safety Management System on a continuous basis

Health, Safety and Enviroment

We are dedicated to health, safety and equipement

Dedicated Staff

Our staff is continually monitoring and working with field personal. Through field inspections with continual feedback to management and staff, daily monitoring of safety paper work, and our behavioral based safety programs our company sees the importance of ensuring a safe environment for not only our staff but everyone we work with.


We are aggressive in our pursuit of to ensure our employees are trained on from Safeland to specific equipment training. Our team is certified to train in OSHA and Safeland.


Our company utilizes many systems to satisfy client needs, PEC, ISNetworld, PICS, TPS Alert and Disa. We comply with all client safety requests and follow ups in any system requested.


Our company stands by random drug and alcohol screens for as well as Motor Vehicle Reports to ensure our employees are able and qualified to complete the task required by our clients.